We’re pleased to inform you about the keynote speakers of KI 2018.
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Jannach
Department of Applied Informatics at AAU Klagenfurt, Austria
Session-based Recommendation: Challenges and Recent Advances – In many applications of recommender systems, a larger fraction of the user population are first-time users or are not logged in when they use the service. In these cases, the item suggestions by the recommender cannot be based on individual long-term preference profiles. Instead, the recommendations have to be determined based on the observed short-term behavior of the users. Due to the high practical relevance of session-based recommendation, different proposals were made in recent years to deal with the particular challenges of the problem setting . In this talk we will review some of these challenges and provide a survey on recent advances in the field. A specific focus on the talk will be on the particularities of the e-commerce domain.
Prof. Dr. Catrin Misselhorn
Institut für Philosophie, Universität Stuttgart
Machine Ethics and Artificial Morality – Machine ethics explores whether and how artificial systems can be furnished with moral capacities, i.e., whether there cannot just be artificial intelligence, but artificial morality. This question becomes more and more pressing since the development of increasingly intelligent and autonomous technologies will eventually lead to these systems having to face morally problematic situations. Much discussed examples are autonomous driving, health care systems and war robots. Since these technologies will have a deep impact on our lives it is important for machine ethics to discuss the possibility of artificial morality and its implications for individuals and society. Starting with some examples of artificial morality, the talk turns to conceptual issues in machine ethics that are important for delineating the possibility and scope of artificial morality, in particular, what an artificial moral agent is; how morality should be understood in the context of artificial morality; and how human and artificial morality compare. It will be outlined in some detail how moral capacities can be implemented in artificial systems. On the basis of these findings some of the arguments that can be found in public discourse about artificial morality will be reviewed and the prospects and challenges of artificial morality are going to be discussed with regard to different areas of application.
Prof. Dr. Sami Haddadin
Robotics and Artificial Life, TU München
Machine Intelligence: Bridging the Gap between Robotics and AI – Important breakthroughs in robotics and artificial intelligence have enabled the first real-world applications of flexible, human-centered robot systems. Controlled by intelligent programming, learning and interaction systems that “understand” man and machine, even laymen can use state-of-the-art robot technology for the first time. Their commercial introduction represents a step change in the way intelligent machines meet human needs beyond the industrial sector, e.g. also in the healthcare or private sector. In other words, they become everyday intelligent helpers in a wide variety of applications to make our lives easier. However, several grand challenges remain to be solved before unifying the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence to machine intelligence. First, the technological limits of sensory-motor and holistic system design need to be pushed significantly further in order to come closer to the unmatched performance and embodied intelligence of the human body. Second, we face the challenge of unifying the two previously separate paradigms of model-based control with data-driven machine learning algorithms such that next generation AI-algorithms seamlessly bridge the gap between physical and virtual world.